Checks may be sent to:
203 E Main St. #1439
Jamestown NC, 27282
(If you send a check, please include your email address for a receipt.)
ZMission is a nonprofit 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. There is a 9% fee charged on all contributions to cover the cost of administrating the organization.
Card processors collect an additional fee of approximately 2.5% for online donations. Paper & online checks are free of a card processing fee (0%).
All donations are under the control of the elders and board of directors for the purpose of fulfilling the vision and mission of the organization, as required by law. If more funds are raised than are needed for a specific purpose, they will be used in other efforts that further the nonprofit mission of the organization.
ZMission and The Zinzendorf Mission are d/b/a's for National Consultants Group.
203 E Main St. #1439
Jamestown NC, 27282
(If you send a check, please include your email address for a receipt.)
ZMission is a nonprofit 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. There is a 9% fee charged on all contributions to cover the cost of administrating the organization.
Card processors collect an additional fee of approximately 2.5% for online donations. Paper & online checks are free of a card processing fee (0%).
All donations are under the control of the elders and board of directors for the purpose of fulfilling the vision and mission of the organization, as required by law. If more funds are raised than are needed for a specific purpose, they will be used in other efforts that further the nonprofit mission of the organization.
ZMission and The Zinzendorf Mission are d/b/a's for National Consultants Group.