An update on our latest Prayer Alert for World Shapers Club Rwanda:
1. There has been a successful delivery for Mother and baby boy! 2. Mother and baby remain in hospital. 3. Dad will be able to see them both tomorrow. 4. Dad has been at the clinic with young daughter who has been diagnosed and treated for some infections but NOT coronavirus. They are now home. We are grateful to God and to you, dear ones, for your prayers. Esther and Mary Esther Children's Network
Please pray for Rhoda for the next two weeks as she takes a course of intensive medical training that she can use in the many places she works. She just returned from two weeks of ministry in the Bahamas where she was helping victims of the recent hurricane that devastated much of the island. She is always moving towards the neediest people on earth, soon to be returning to central Africa for work among people with AIDS, HIV+, AIDS orphans, people suffering from leprosy and the malnourished. She brings hope in the midst of trauma, and life in Jesus’ name. Please pray for her safety and effective learning and ministry.
At the Dufatanye Organization in Rwanda, we hold a weekly gathering for those who are malnourished, to help provide them with additional nutrition to bring them towards more robust health. Yesterday, at the clinic, a mother of two twins came in, and it was discovered that she has a serious malady on her foot. I just received this note and three pictures from Godfrey at the ministry center. Godfrey writes, “Pastor Ross was deeply moved to see this twin mother in the morning yesterday coming for our malnutrition program to have milk for her babies. After seeing the condition in which the babies are and the mother he decided to help take her at the hospital for good treatment. We are now at Kigali since morning. We went to see Dr Albert and after consultation he directed us to a good Dr in a private clinic where we are now. Pray for us to go through this and also to have a safe drive back home . Thank you.” Author: M Vetter
“How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts . . . Even the sparrow finds a home at your altar . . .” Psalm 84:1,3 I am grateful to several who have prayed for my little sparrow in Rwanda. Fraterine is a ten-year-old boy, who until the last year, has led a solitary life, away from school, and simply drifting during the days because so many children made fun of his discomfiting, facial skin condition. Since discovering God’s little sparrow last summer, we from the Dufatanye Organization have sought to assist him and his family by taking him to see multiple doctors for treatment, building a new house and a chicken coop, and providing more nutritious foods for his family. Three weeks ago, a maxillofacial surgeon performed oral surgery to biopsy portions of Fraterine’s lips that had become ulcerated and looked suspicious. We were worried that he might have oral cancer in addition to his serious skin disease. Many of you have prayed for the results of this biopsy. I am thrilled to share that Fraterine does NOT have oral cancer! Not only that, this past Saturday, he attended our “Bible and Breakfast Club” and was all smiles! Two hundred fifty-one children gathered and, in addition to hearing the Bible lesson and enjoying porridge and bread, the children received numerous gifts including a bag of maize flour, notebooks, pens, Vaseline, and a long bar of soap. Our team also met with the parents to emphasize good habits in nutrition, sanitary practices and safety. A sparrow is a small, seemingly insignificant bird that spends much time alone. Despite its diminutive size, God values sparrows and not one falls to the earth apart from our Father’s care (Matthew 10:29). Often, a sparrow is associated with finding its home in the sanctuary or altars of the Lord. A “sanctuary” can denote a physical place where people worship God, even as we do today. But it can also figuratively imply a solitary, spiritual “place” where a Christian may worship the Lord and seek His face. Our little sparrow in Rwanda, Fraterine, sensed he knew where to find help. At the time, he may not have known that it was our Lord directing his steps, but I believe he knows now. God had seen his humble heart as he sat one day in a hot, glaring solitary place and cried out within his soul for help. What a beautiful metaphor for us. If a sparrow instinctively knows to draw close to its Creator near the Lord’s altar, how much more should we know to build our lives gazing upon that same altar in the sanctuary of the Lord. The gospel writer, Matthew, encourages, “ . . . do not be anxious about your life . . . Look at the birds [Greek word for “sparrow”] of the air: they neither sow nor reap or gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them . . . “. Will He not also feed us? Ask yourself, “Where is my sanctuary? Who provides spiritual nourishment for me? Do I seek to dwell at the altar of God, in the courts of the living Lord?” Be like the sparrow. Set your heart on things above. Seek the Lord’s face. Draw near to God. He WILL draw near to you. [Source: Dr. R. Mark Gaffney, in Where the Birds Make Their Nests] |
August 2020